Programme scientifique
Présenté par le Comité du programme scientifique 2012
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DIMANCHE, 20 MAI, 2012
17:00-20:15 | Ouverture et présentation des prix (Yves De Koninck, Président de l'ACN)
Conférence présidentielle: Tomas Paus (University of Toronto) How environment and genes shape the adolescent brain
Anthony Phillips (Directeur, Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies des IRSC)
Réception d'ouverture |
LUNDI 21 MAI 2012
8:30-10:15 | Symposium plénier (Présidence: Lynn Raymond, University of British Columbia)
- Francesca Cicchetti (CHUL Québec) What we have learned from post-mortem studies in grafted patients with Huntington's disease: Impact on pathology and future therapeutic interventions
- Ted Fon (McGill University) Function of Parkin and PINK1 in Mitochondrial Quality Control
- Matt Farrer (UBC) Parkinson's disease, population and pedigree genetics-mapping the path to neuroprotection?
11:00-12:00 | Conférence plénière:
James Surmeier (Northwestern) Remodeling striatal microcircuits in Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases |
13:30-15:30 | Symposiums parallèles:
- Symposium 1 - Revealing Brain Dynamics Using Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Techniques (Présidence: Majid Mohajerani et Allen Chan)
- Mei Zhen: Real-time motor circuit imaging in C. elegans
- Timothy Murphy: Probing mouse cortical circuits using light
- Amir Shmuel: Hemodynamic and neurophysiological measurements of cortical spontaneous activity
- Ravi Menon: Resting state dynamic brain networks in human and non-human primates using fMRI
- Symposium 2 - Stress and the Brain (Présidence: Matthew Hill)
- Jaideep Bains: Responding and adapting to stress: A Synaptic Perspective
- Liisa Galea: Stress and Stress Hormone Modulation of Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Males and Females
- Victor Viau: Afferent Mediators of Sex Steroid Hormone Status on the Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus and Neuroendocrine Responses to Stress
- Matthew Hill: Endocannabinoid Signalling in the Amygdala and the Regulation of the Stress Response
- Symposium 3 - Seeing and moving: psychophysical, computational and clinical aspects of pursuit eye movements (Présidence: Miriam Spering)
- Miriam Spering: On the functional significance of pursuit eye movements for perception
- Gunnar Blohm: Velocity memory codes and velocity transformations for pursuit eye movements
- Dinesh Pai: Computational models of pursuit eye movements
- Gillian O'Driscoll: Pursuit deficits in schizophrenia: characterization and neural substrates
- Symposium 4 - Novel Discoveries in Neurological Disorders: Pannexins and ASICs (Présidence: John MacDonald)
- Roger Thompson: Ligand binding and not channel conductance is sufficient for the NMDA receptor to activate pannexin-1
- Georg Zoidl: Evidence for impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity in a Panx1 KO mouse model
- Michael Jackson: Pannexin-1 channels are coupled to ER stress through STIM proteins
- Zhigang Ziong: Acid-sending ion channels as novel targets for neurological disorders
15:30-17:30 | Affiches (posters) |
17:30-18:30 | Forum présidentiel: The changing climate of neuroscience research funding in Canada
and the creation of Brain Canada (chair: Yves De Koninck, Président ACN)
Conférencièlre: Inez Jababurwala (Présidente, Brain Canada),
Panelistes: Tony Phillips (Directeur, IRSC Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies), Dan Goldowicz (Directeur, NeuroDevNet)
David Kaplan (Directeur, Brain Canada, et Vice-Président Scientifique, Brain Canada) |
19:00 | Social des étudiants au Relish Pub |
MARDI 22 MAI 2012
8:30-10:15 | Symposium plénier (Présidence: Jane Roskams, University of British Columbia)
- Alyson Fournier (McGill) Spatial and temporal regulation of cytoskeletal dynamics and axon guidance
- Ed Ruthazer, Jeune chercheur de l'ACN 2011: (McGill) Activity-dependent selection of synaptic partners in a developing visual circuit
- Tom Boyce (UBC) The Biology of Misfortune: How Social Stratification, Sensitivity and Stress Diminish Child Health and Brain Development
11:00-12:00 | Conférence plénière:
Dan Geschwind, (University California Los Angeles) How autism genetics informs our understanding of autism pathophysiology and treatment |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch et assemblée générale annuelle |
13:00-15:00 | Symposiums parallèles
- Symposium 5 - Neurogenesis for Restorative Brain Therapy: from basic science to translational research (Présidence: Leigh Anne Swayne)
- Leigh Anne Swayne: Pannexins in neural stem cells as potential targets for brain repair
- Diane Lagace: Why some dividing cells in the adult brain survive?
- Sam Weiss: Adult Neurogenesis and the Formation of Social Memories
- Molly Shoichet: Endogenous Stimulation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Using a Minimally-Invasive
Bioengineered Hydrogel for Local Therapeutic Delivery After Stroke
- Symposium 6 - Primate Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Control (Présidence: Stefan Everling)
- Michael Petrides: Anatomy of the primate lateral prefrontal cortex with functional commentary
- Julio Martinez-Trujillo: Attentional filtering of behaviourally relevant information in primate prefrontal neurons
- Thilo Womelsdorf: Neuronal control processes guiding the attentional focus in medial and lateral prefrontal cortex
- Stefan Everling: Principal sulcus deactivation in macaques impairs rule memory
- Symposium 7 - Dynamic Changes in Synaptic Organization (Présidence: Katalin Toth)
- Ann Marie Craig: Synaptic Organizing Genes for Excitatory and Inhibitory Synapse Development
- Katalin Toth: Activity-dependent changes in presynaptic Vesicle Pools
- Kenneth Pelkey: Development and Plasticity of Excitatory Synaptic Inputs to Parvalbumin Expressing Basket Cells
- Jean-Claude Beique: Synapse-specific mechanisms of homeostatic plasticity
- Symposium 8 - Glial Cells in Development and Disease (Présidence: Hakima Moukhles)
- Shalina Ousman: The alphaBC of Schwann cells
- Vanessa Auld: Integrin function within glia during optic nerve development
- Keith Murai: Glial cells in neural circuit plasticity and homeostasis
- Hakima Moukhles: Astrocytes and aquaporin 4 as targets for the prevention of brain edema
15:00-17:00 | Affiches (posters) |
17:00-18:00 | Conférence du jeune chercheur de l'ACN 2012 |
18:00-19:00 | Conférencier d'honneur: David Lewis (University of Pittsburgh) Cortical excitatory/inhibitory balance and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia |
8:30-10:15 | Symposium plénier (Présidence: Ingrid Johnsrude, Queen's University)
- Kalina Christoff (University of British Columbia): Using real-time fMRI to investigate spontaneous thought
- Judy Illes (UBC) Neuroimaging and Vegetative States: Towards Evidenced-Based Ethics Guidance
- John F Connolly (McMaster University): Event-Related Potential-based Assessment of Suspected Disorders of Consciousness
11:00-12:00 | Conférence plénière:
Adrian Owen (Western) When thoughts become actions: Imaging disorders of consciousness |
12:00-1:00 | Lunch et exposants |
13:00-15:00 | Affiches (posters) |
15:00-17:00 | Symposiums parallèles
- Symposium 9 - Neural Basis of Working Memory (Présidence: Martin Paré)
- Jeremy Seamans: Neural mechanisms of persistent activity in the rodent medial frontal cortex
- Martin Paré: Neural substrate and capacity limits of visual working memory in the macaque monkey
- Clayton Curtis: Functional imaging evidence of prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex contribution to human spatial working memory
- Susanne Ferber: Electrophysiological evidence of working memory in human visual behavior
- Symposium 10 - Impact of Cellular and Circuit Properties on Neural Coding (Présidence: Steven Prescott)
- Steven Prescott: Relationship between cellular properties and network coding strategies
- Fernando Fernandez: Gain and Spike Rate Modulation Through Correlations in Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Conductance Activity
- Maurice Chacron: Neural Circuits that Adaptively and Efficiently Respond to Natural Stimuli
- Ian Davison: Synaptic architecture for Sensory Processing in Olfactory Cortical Circuits
- Symposium 11 - Children, Ethics and Brain (Présidence: Judy Illes)
- Timothy Caulfield: Direct-to-consumer genetic testing and children: the need for regulation?
- Tim Oberlander: Ethical implications of prenatal exposure to antidepressant medications
- Michael Fehlings: Ethical challenges in using stem cell therapies to treat neurodevelopmental disorders
- Nina Di Pietro: Incidental findings in pediatric neuroimaging research: A child's right to know.
- Symposium 12 - Development and Plasticity of Neural Circuit (Présidence: Shernaz Bamji)
- Brian Chen: Mechanisms of Synaptic Specificity in Hard-Wired Neural Circuits
- Graziella Di Cristo: Mechanisms underlying activity-dependent maturation of GABAergic circuits
- Kurt Haas: Molecuar Mechanisms of Metaplasticity During Early Brain Circuit Formation
- Sheena Josselyn: Molecular, cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying memory formation