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Abstract No.:118
Title:Common Mechanisms of Axon Guidance, Regeneration, and Vascular Patterning
Authors/Affiliations:Senior Vice President: Research Drug Discovery, Genetech Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA
Content:Neuronal growth cones navigate over long distances along specific pathways to find their correct targets, guided by four types of mechanisms: contact attraction, chemoattraction, contact repulsion, and chemorepulsion.
These mechanisms act simultaneously and in coordinate fashion to direct pathfinding, and are mediated by mechanistically and evolutionarily conserved ligand-receptior systems. This presentation will describe some recent advances in elucidating axon growth and guidance mechanisms, including emerging parallels between the guidance of axons and the guidance of developing blood vessels, the identification of mechanisms through which growth cones switch their responsiveness to guidance cues at intermediate targets from attraction to repulsion, and the evaluation of mechanisms limiting regeneration in the adult CNS