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Abstract No.:310
Title:Inflammation as determinants of injury and protection in multiple sclerosis and other neurological conditions.
Authors/Affiliations:V. Wee Yong,
Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, AB, Canada
Content:Virtually all neurological disorders are characterized by an inflammatory response that varies in nature, intensity and duration depending on the condition. The massive rise of inflammatory cells in the parenchyma of the CNS in multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with neurodegeneration, and we find that activated T cells are potent mediators of neuronal cell death through direct mechanisms, and by promoting microglia reactivity. In certain context, however, some immune subsets have protective capacity, and the indiscriminate use of potent anti-inflammatory agents results in adverse outcomes. In this light, the neuroprotective and immune modulator, minocycline, can have contrasting outcomes when applied in different neurological conditions. We discuss findings that while promising in MS, stroke and spinal cord injury, minocycline resulted in clinical worsening in ALS.