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Abstract No.:214
Authors/Affiliations:1 Michael G. Fehlings*;
1 Toronto Western Research Institute, ON, Canada
Content:Despite advances in medical and surgical treatment, current therapies for SCI arelimited. However, the past 15 years has seen advances in biomedical research directed at minimizing the impact of secondary injury and promoting neural regeneration6. This
talk will briefly summarize recent advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of SCI and discuss the application of this enhanced knowledge in the context of several ongoing or planned clinical trials of potentially key neurosurgical impact including: the STASCIS trial, which is examining the impact of early surgical
decompression; a planned clinical trial which will evaluate the neuroprotective efficacy of the sodium/glutamate antagonist riluzole; and the Cethrin trial of a recombinant Rho inhibitor to reduce cell death and enhance neural regeneration 1,2,4. In addition, late-stage
preclinical studies focusing on neural stem based remyelination strategies will be briefly reviewed given the strong translational potential of this approach 3,5

Selected references

1. Baptiste DC, Fehlings MG: Pharmacological approaches to repair the injured spinal cord. J Neurotrauma 23:318-334, 2006
2. Baptiste DC, Fehlings MG: Update on the treatment of spinal cord injury. Prog Brain Res 161:217-233, 2007
3. Eftekharpour E, Karimi-Abdolrezaee S, Wang J, El Beheiri H, Morshead C, Fehlings MG: Myelination of congenitally dysmyelinated spinal cord axons by adult neural precursor cells results in formation of nodes of Ranvier and improved axonal conduction. J Neurosci 27:3416-3428, 2007
4. Fehlings MG, Perrin RG: The timing of surgical intervention in the treatment of spinal cord injury: a systematic review of recent clinical evidence. Spine 31:S28-35; discussion S36, 2006
5. Karimi-Abdolrezaee S, Eftekharpour E, Wang J, Morshead C, Fehlings MG: Delayed transplantation of adult neural precursor cells promotes remyelination and functional neurological recovery after spinal cord injury. J Neurosci 26:3377-3389, 2006
6. Rossignol S, Schwab M, Schwartz M, Fehlings M.G.: Spinal cord injury: time to move? J Neurosci 27:11782-11792, 2007
